
Our first public appearance!

That title should do it's job- making us sound faaancy!

This is Jess (Jessi, Jessie, Jessica...) and I noticed it had been awhile since we'd posted, and I felt bad. So here I am! Ready to entertain! Or... you know, just write.

Saturday, after a week of poking holes in my fingers because I had to hand-stitch a purse I was making (I really need to get pics up, eh?!), we were finally ready for our first debut. It wasn't gigantic, just a local "this is what your talented community can do" sort of thing. It was called "Sidelines" and my dad was there with his art, as well as my aunt with her jewelry, and my brother-in-law-once-removed [I think] with his photography. See? We couldn't help but grow up and make stuff!
We didn't sell anything, but we weren't surprised since our clothes are pretty unpractical in this area. Especially since that day we got an unexpected 6" of snow... So we were happy to have some exposure and met with a local magazine and a local newspaper. Hopefully that gets us a step closer to being famous and awesome. Except that we're already awesome :-D

So I took a picture of the exhibit with my BlackBerry, but I'm really not sure what the resolution will do on the internet, plus it wasn't excellent lighting, so alas I shall just leave you with one of the 500 pictures we took with my lovely and talented aunt. This is our design and our lovely model Denise :)

80s-esque (but better) jacket made out of grossly-overly-decorated 80s dress. No picture could do it's funkiness justice. It's just plain amazing. And shiny! Who could want more?! It's got fantastic frayed edges on the bottom that kind of make up for all the overwhelming sequins- we don't want TOO much fanciness. Check it on Etsy! More pictures will be up soon, promise!

A is next to tell you her perspective of said event!


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